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Support the Jewish Language Project

Check out this brief video about the important work of the Jewish Language Project, and our 2023 Impact Report!

soc media annual report.png

Most longstanding Jewish languages are now endangered because of migrations, nationalistic language policies, and genocide. The only remaining speakers are elderly, and in the coming decades the languages will likely become extinct (or, we prefer to say, “dormant,” as there is always the possibility of future revitalization). Some languages, such as Bukharian, Judeo-Arabic, and Juhuri, are partially documented in books and periodicals. Others have few written records, including Judeo-Amazigh (Morocco), Judeo-Esfahani (Iran), and Hulaula (Jewish Neo-Aramaic from Sanandaj, Iran). If we do not engage the last speakers in this important work in the coming years, the languages - wellsprings of Jewish cultural creativity and history - will be lost to the dustbin of history.


Here's where the HUC-JIR Jewish Language Project comes in. Our mission is to promote research on, awareness about, and engagement surrounding the many languages spoken and written by Jews throughout history and around the world. We accomplish this by recording interviews and songs by native speakers, sharing unique content on social media, and producing high-quality online events that both teach about and celebrate Jewish languages. Our website,, offers dictionaries, exhibits, and free educational resources—and over the last two years, 2.8 million people have engaged with these materials. We also play a leadership role in our field by convening the Jewish Language Consortium, a group of ten partner organizations with the shared mission of Jewish language preservation and education.


Why have we created this fundraising campaign? While our institutional home is Hebrew Union College, our program functions independently. That means the Jewish Language Project is 100% reliant on donations and grants to support our operating budget and hard-working staff.


We invite you to be part of the movement to preserve Jews’ precious linguistic heritage and raise awareness about Jewish cultural diversity. Join us by making a tax-deductible contribution to our nonprofit organization. Your gift will help ensure that anyone, now and in the future, can access a whole world of Jewish languages.

At the Jewish Language Project, we dream big. Here are some of the initiatives we’re planning for the future, all of which depend on funding:

  • Baby name website/search tool

  • Database of Jewish family names around the world

  • Content/curriculum for Jewish summer camps, Hillel, adult education, Intro to Judaism classes

  • Exhibit on Jewish language and food

  • Online dictionaries of Jewish languages

  • Teachers’ fellowship – cohort training for using curriculum

  • Spanish-language book and website on Jewish languages

  • Fellowships/grants for artists for engagement with Jewish languages

  • In-person concerts in LA, New York, Washington, Miami

  • Database of Hebrew/Aramaic words in Jewish languages

  • Database of synagogue names and Jewish organization names

  • Jewish proverbs exhibit

  • Conferences for scholars with open lectures and concerts

  • Fellowships/grants for researchers of Jewish languages, language activists

If you'd like to sponsor any of these initiatives, please get in touch.

The preferred donation method is credit card.

To donate by check:

Please make it out to "Hebrew Union College" and indicate "Jewish Language Project" in the memo line. Then you can mail the check to:

Hebrew Union College
Attn: Lynn Flanzbaum
3077 University Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Then let us know to expect your donation by using our contact form.

Thank you for your support!

Sarah Bunin Benor's call to action to document endangered Jewish languages

Interested in getting involved with the Jewish Language Project as a volunteer or intern? We're looking for help in the following areas:

  • Website programming, database development

  • Fundraising

  • Graphic design for fun facts, flyers, website, etc.

  • Graphic design for stickers and other merchandise for our Redbubble shop

  • Social media

  • TikTok specialist

  • Content development for events, fun facts, website, etc.

  • Curriculum development

  • Interviewing speakers of endangered Jewish languages

  • Creating Living Dictionaries for endangered Jewish languages

  • Recording entries for the Jewish English Lexicon

  • Creating or working on a Jewish lexicon for another language

Please let us know you're interested in helping out by filling out this form. And you can read about our current volunteers here. Thank you for your interest!

Grandchildren learning Jewish languages from their elders


Thank you to these individuals, who have donated $360 or more to the Jewish Language Project:


Roberta and David Benor

Rachel Amado Bortnick

Mark David
Elyssa Elbaz

Barbara and Hill Fitzgerel

Mary Kohav

Saeed Niku
Dan and Alice Nussbaum

Rabbi Amy and Gary Perlin

Dean and Shaili Solomon

Anonymous (x3)

טייבל בת רחל לאה ושלמה יהושוע


אברהם דוד בן פעסיע יהודת וישראל משה

in Honour of the University of Cambridge graduation of

ירד בן טייבל ואברהם דוד


כ"ז בתשרי תש"פ

and later,

in Honour of the University of Oxford conferring the D.Phil degree upon

ירד בן טייבל ואברהם דוד


ג' באייר תשפ"ד

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